Project Highlights

Core Competencies

✔ Development of Sales & Marketing Initiatives
✔ Experience in forty-four international markets
✔ Organizational / Management Reengineering
✔ International Telecommunications Expertise
✔ Opportunity Recognition and seizure.
✔ Hands-on engineering & technical ability
✔ Strategic Partnerships / M&A Placement
✔ e-Commerce development and deployment
✔ IPO’s, traditional debt, equity and hybrid offerings
✔ Expert Level Network Design & Implementation

Project Highlights

✔ Provided crisis management for fortune 500 telecommunications company, facilitated internal restructuring which resulted in 5% reduction of work force and $65M in annual savings.

✔ Provided interim CIO for a division of the worlds second largest financial services firm. In that role, facilitated technology turn-around resulting in 40% increased efficiency and became role model for conglomerate wide system upgrades.

✔ Filled interim CEO role of publicly traded wireless telecommunications company. Formed multiple distribution agreements, resolved SEC reporting deficiencies and increased shareholder value through accelerated sales and marketing programs.

✔ Filled EVP role in computer training company, secured exclusive franchise rights for geographical area and established operations.

✔ Provided vCIO services to start-up banking operation. Developing all internal technology platforms, services and infrastructure and deployed functionality to all branch locations.

✔ Assumed CEO role of global telecommunications switching company, which reported 4,900% growth during tenure. Ranked As #1 fastest growing company in Florida (1997)

Key Accomplishments

✔ Experience working in over forty-four countries

✔ Over $300M of M&A Projects

✔ IPO’s, traditional debt, equity and hybrid offerings in excess of $1B

Recent Positions

✔ Interim CIO of $200M Pre-IPO Financial Institution

✔ Interim CIO of $107M Non-Profit Science Foundation

✔ Technology Consultant to $90M Defense Contractor/Manufacturer

✔ CIO of $15M CPA firm

✔ Senior start-up executive of a technology outsourcing company

✔ Senior Vice President of a global computer based training organization.

Recent Assignments

Assignments have include senior consulting roles with Visual Link Wireless, Jetscape, Pioneer Home Equity, Intelligent Medical Imaging, MangoSoft Corporation, Avirnex Telecommunications, AAPT Telecommunications Australia, RediCall Australia, Access World Wide, American Superior Insurance Company, Business Risk Technologies, Solomon Alliance Group, Focus Finance, ExecuTrain, Technology Solutions and Palm Beach Internet.

Our Clients

Here are some of the many companies with which Quo Vadimus has been involved with their success, assisting by providing positive direction, leadership and shareholder value.

Reach Us

Mark H. Balentine



Marathon, FL
Sliema, Malta
Havana, Cuba

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